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Distributing Documents

Each new document can be distributed to eligible readers at the time of creation to draw attention to new information or changes. In addition, documents can also be distributed at a later date, whereby the recipients can be selected individually.


To distribute documents to people in the data pool via infomail:

  1. Search for the document that is to be distributed by Infomail in the view using the filing folders and search functions.
  2. Open the document by clicking on the label.
  3. Click the "Create Infomail“.
  4. In the dialog box, select all the people or groups to whom you want to send the infomail. By clicking on the names of the people or groups, they are added to the selection. To select all persons or groups, click on the "Select all persons" or "Select all groups“.
  5. If necessary, select a short message by clicking the checkbox.
  6. If necessary, enter a message in the text field to be sent with the Infomail. By default, this message is created as a comment in the container when it is sent.
  7. Clear the check box if you do not want the entered message to be saved as a comment in the container.
  8. Close the input by clicking the "Send" or "Send & Close" Off. The infomail with the captured text is sent to the selected persons and the process is documented in the processing log.

The feature of distributing is available for all documents and plans, regardless of whether you created the document yourself or if you are only authorized to read it. By selecting the desired persons, you can individually determine which persons are actively informed by infomail and which persons only receive read rights.
